Wednesday, 2 December 2009


“Eco” is the word on the lips of anyone who’s anyone in fashion right now…and if it isn’t, then it definitely should be. It’s not exactly a new issue, but with stars like Leona Lewis introducing her own affordable vegetarian clothing line, maybe it’s time that we started to take notice and make some fashionable changes.

I take a vested interest in Fair Trade and strongly support organisations that give people in developing countries the chance to trade with westernised countries freely and equally, without the restrictions of government barriers and the exploitation of larger companies.

When it comes to fashion, I consider myself to be fairly ethical in that I wouldn’t wear fur or buy from stores renowned for their shady business ethics/questionable worker rights (although I appreciate that sometimes, especially in the current recession, it is difficult to avoid buying clothes from these stores.) I also have a huge wardrobe clean out every year and donate all my unwanted clothes and accessories to charity.

I encourage those of you who share my somewhat fair weathered habits to start wholeheartedly researching eco friendly clothing and have a think about altering your shopping habits. I appreciate that transforming your entire wardrobe to purely eco clothes is a bit of a stretch, but it’s amazing what you can buy if you have a look around.

M&S are implementing a great scheme, entitled Plan A. It was launched in 2007 and set out 100 commitments to achieve in the next five years. They seek to work actively with customers and suppliers to tackle climate change, reduce waste, use sustainable raw materials, trade ethically and encourage customers to lead healthier lifestyles. M&S are also collaborating with Oxfam to launch the Oxfam Clothes Exchange, which encourages people to recycle their clothing/give to charity. Details of this, and more information about Plan A can be found at:

As for those extreme fashion conscious, yes it is hard to find eco versions of the latest trends (sequin skirts anyone?) but we all need style staples such as white t-shirts and socks. I’m also partial to layering, so long sleeved tops are a must. On top of this, buying anything vintage can be classified as ‘clothes recycling’ (as if we needed an excuse…)

M&S currently only offer a limited selection on Plan A, but whilst conducting my research, I came across a website called Eco Fashion World ( an informative site that keeps the reader updated with the latest news, designers and brands in eco fashion. Here’s my top three:

1. Nixxi –

This is my absolute favourite of the bunch. The clothes are gorgeous, soft and luxurious. The only problem is that it’s difficult to order in the UK.

2. Muso Koroni -

Austrian ‘Muso Koroni’’ is a 100% Vegan Boutique for all those practical clothing items and winter wardrobe must haves.

3. Thieves -

Ethically conscious, very fashionable, but rather expensive…

These are just my personal favourites, but there are many more to be found at

So please have a think and a look, and I guarantee that by doing your bit to help, it will serve to make a big difference…and hopefully make you feel good in the process!


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