But I've gotta do it. I can't hold out any longer. I'm going to err on the side of bitchy.
I've never really liked Chloë Sevigny. Although we shouldn't ever fully believe what we read, I've read a few too many less than favourable accounts/interviews where Sevigny comes across as self righteous, rude and arrogant. And of course, there was the interview where she tore Big Love to shreds, selling both the show's creators and her colleagues, down the river. For those of you who aren't aware, Big Love was a hugely successful, critically acclaimed show on HBO that essentially reignited Chloe's somewhat flagging acting career. (It's actually very good, plus it stars Ginnifer Goodwin, who I adore.)
Now, I do think Chloe is a great actress. Kids was an incredible piece of cinema, Boys Don't Cry earned her an Oscar nomination and I have heard much praise about her performances in other such art house type films (Dogville and Melinda and Melinda, to name a couple).
I have also read that she's some type of musician.
And then there's the fashion thing. I find it hard to visit Vogue.com WITHOUT coming across some piece about what she's been wearing (although notably she hasn't made the 2010 best dressed list.) She is a bit of a darling in the world of fashion, especially in New York - but i've got to say, I almost always dislike what she's wearing.
Regardless of my feelings towards Sevigny's style, it is essentially fashion that puts her on the map and keeps propagates interest in her. But here's how she feels about it:
“For some reason the public has embraced me as a fashion icon, and I feel like it has diminished me as an actress. Or I don't get as much recognition as an actress -- and that upsets me.”
Really? Because most people would kill to be in the position you are in. I hardly think recognition in the world of fashion has diminished Chloe as an actress. Let's reflect on her recent role of Judy in Mr Nice. Be gracious for goodness sake.
Sevigny recently spoke to Playboy for its twenty questions feature. "I guess I am stylish, but I would rather have people come up and say 'I really liked your performance in this or that' than 'I really like the way you dress'. That irks me."
So why make such an effort to be so incredibly cutting edge high fashion?
Here's a little extract from Vogue.com:
CHLOË SEVIGNY may be more famous for her quirky red carpet style than for her film roles, but don't call her a fashion icon, especially if you're a blogger.
"I'm glad I grew up during the last vestige of cool, in the Nineties, when everything wasn't blogged and on the Interwebs, when things were more on the downlow and underground,"
The last vestige of cool? Oh PLEASE. But at least she's not going to have any worries about this blogger - I certainly won't be calling you a fashion icon anytime soon.

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